The test drive is essential and essential! You must never buy without driving in the car. If the seller refuses to pass the wheel, we must look for another opportunity. Once at the controls, at 40 km / h, let go of the steering wheel – very carefully and when the traffic conditions are right – to see if the car is pulling from one side or the other, which would reflect problems of front axle or tires. The same test performed by braking (making sure no one is behind) indicates the balance and the state of the braking system, as well as that of the running gear. Simulate a slot to spot potential transmissions or major games in the train (clicks).

used cars in apex TAKE YOUR TIME

To examine a vehicle carefully, it takes half an hour. Take a close look at the car by looking closely at the body: placed against the light, flush with the paint to try to identify any sanding marks (micro-scratches in a circle) synonymous with the repair or differences hue. The interior of the bonnet also gives its lot of indications: depending on the mileage, it would be suspect that it is sparkling clean. One must then try to identify any labels stuck by a garage, likely to contain the date and mileage of the last revision (under the hood, the amount of the driver’s door …). Compare the number indicated with the number of the counter, the one marked in the maintenance booklet and any bills. The upholstery, pedal rubbers, carpet, and floor mats are good indicators for aging. Also, check the wear of tires and rims for any signs of shock that may have caused deformation of the running gear. used cars in Raleigh is very popular


 Do not buy a car in a basement or at dusk, under street lights, or in heavy rain. The defects will be much less visible in these poor lighting conditions. Also, you will not notice if the car has been repainted, because any differences in hue will not be apparent. Bodywork always looks better in the dark or when it is wet. Do not buy a car in a basement or at dusk, under street lights, or in heavy rain. The defects will be much less visible in these poor lighting conditions. Also, you will not notice if the car has been repainted, because any differences in hue will not be apparent. Bodywork always looks better in the dark or when it is wet.